Answers 1 "Where's the station?" "Can you tell me where the station is? 2 "Are you coming to the party?" "Can you let me know if you're/are coming to the party?
There is a short explanation followed by an exercise. 4,248 Downloads. Indirect Questions - being polite. By tesolang. This is a gap worksheet that assists students to ask and answer questions politely by using the indirect form. 4,198 Downloads. Direct and indirect questions. By alejandrita2012.
Answers to Indirect Questions Exercise 1 1) Can you tell me where she plays tennis? 2) Can you tell me if he lives in Paris? 3) Can you tell me if she is hungry? 4) Can you tell me what this is? 5) Can you tell me if they work in Canada? 6) Can you tell me when John and Luke meet? 7) Can you tell me if he is a lawyer?
A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about indirect, questions, ...
Answers to Indirect Questions Exercise 2 1. Do you know if she went out last night? 2. Do you know where she met her brother? 3. Do you know how the film was? 4. Do you know if David was the first to arrive? 5. Do you know if Lucy worked at home yesterday? 6. Do you know what the problem was? 7. Do you know who we saw at the party? 8.
Indirect questions worksheets PDF. Free printable worksheets with keys to download. Indirect questions - worksheet 1 (PDF) + Key with answers 1 Change direct questions into idirect questions. Indirect questions - worksheet 2 (PDF) + Key with answers 2 Change indirect questions into direct questions. More PDF worksheets:
Indirect Questions Exercise "What's this?" "Do you know what this is?" Fill the gaps to make indirect questions. 1 "Where's the station?" "Can you tell me ...
Exercises - pdf handouts. Questions with do / does. Simple present - interrogative. Answer the questions 1 - pdf. Answer the questions 2 - exercises. Answer the questions 3 - exercises. Question words - worksheet. Question words - printable. Yes / No - questions.
Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Read through the grammar explanation and review the indirect question examples together as a class. Students ...
Direct and Indirect Questions Introduction This direct and indirect questions worksheet helps to teach students how to change direct questions into indirect ones. Procedure Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Read through the grammar explanation and review the indirect question examples together as a class.
English grammar PDF rules to download for free. Indirect questions If we want to make questions in the English language, we can do it by changing the word order (Is he your brother? Was she there? Have you been to Ireland?) or by using the auxiliary do (Do you know them? Does he live with you? Did you enjoy it?)
Answers to Indirect Questions Exercise 2 1. Do you know if she went out last night? 2. Do you know where she met her brother? 3. Do you know how the film was? 4. Do you know if David was the first to arrive? 5. Do you know if Lucy worked at home yesterday? 6. Do you know what the problem was? 7. Do you know who we saw at the party? 8.
indirect-questions-worksheet-e-grammar-exercises 1/4 Downloaded from on February 2, 2022 by guest Read Online Indirect Questions Worksheet E Grammar Exercises When people should go to the books stores, search establishment by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in point of fact problematic.
Indirect questions Exercise 1: ANSWERS Match the situation on the left with an indirect question on the right. 1. You’re not wearing your watch. b. Could you tell me what time it is? 2. You need to buy some stamps on holiday. h. Do you know where the post office is? 3. The shop is still shut. e. Have you any idea when it opens? 4.
Indirect questions Exercise 1: ANSWERS Match the situation on the left with an indirect question on the right. 1. You’re not wearing your watch. b. Could you tell me what time it is? 2. You need to buy some stamps on holiday. h. Do you know where the post office is? 3. The ...
Answers to Indirect Questions Exercise 1 1) Can you tell me where she plays tennis? 2) Can you tell me if he lives in Paris? 3) Can you tell me if she is hungry? 4) Can you tell me what this is? 5) Can you tell me if they work in Canada? 6) Can you tell me when John and Luke meet? 7) Can you tell me if he is a lawyer?
Direct and Indirect Questions Introduction This direct and indirect questions worksheet helps to teach students how to change direct questions into indirect ones. Procedure Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Read through the grammar explanation and review the indirect question examples together as a class.