Infinitives - The Latin Library › 101 › InfinitivesThe infinitive is used in Latin, as in English, as a noun: Errare humanum est = To err is human. When so used, the Latin infinitive is an indeclinable neuter noun. The infinitive is also used in Latin, as in English, to complete the meaning of another verb (complementary infinitive): Possum videre = I am able to see.
Latin Imperative Verbs - ThoughtCo › imperative-latin-verbsJul 12, 2019 · English rearranges the word order of the declarative sentence, if it's necessary, and replaces the period with an exclamation point. The Latin imperative is formed by removing the "-re" ending of the present infinitive: dormire without the "-re" is dormi . When ordering two or more people, add -"te" to the singular imperative.