Value of infinity - MATLAB of infinity on your system. Description Call mxGetInf to return the value of the MATLAB ® internal inf variable. inf is a permanent variable representing IEEE ® arithmetic positive infinity. Your system specifies the value of inf; you cannot modify it. Operations that return infinity include: Division by 0. For example, 5/0 returns infinity.
Infinity and NaN - MATLAB & Simulink › help › matlabMATLAB ® represents infinity by the special value Inf. Infinity results from operations like division by zero and overflow, which lead to results too large to represent as conventional floating-point values. MATLAB also provides a function called Inf that returns the IEEE ® arithmetic representation for positive infinity as a double scalar value.
Value of infinity - MATLAB › help › matlabValue of infinity on your system. Description Call mxGetInf to return the value of the MATLAB ® internal inf variable. inf is a permanent variable representing IEEE ® arithmetic positive infinity. Your system specifies the value of inf; you cannot modify it. Operations that return infinity include: Division by 0. For example, 5/0 returns infinity.