Users are those with access to InfluxDB. To grant a user permission to access data, add them as a member of an organization and provide them with an API token.. The following articles walk through managing users.
Authentication. The InfluxDB API and the command line interface (CLI), which connects to the database using the API, include simple, built-in authentication based on user credentials. When you enable authentication, InfluxDB only executes …
28.07.2016 · How to create database and user in influxdb programmatically? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. Active 5 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 9k times 5 In my use case I am using single ec2 instance [not a cluster]. I want to create a database ...
To create a new user with a password and add the user as a member of an organization, include a password and organization ID with the influx user create ...
The influx user create command creates a user in InfluxDB. Usage influx user create [flags] Flags. Flag Description Input type Maps to ?-c--active-config: CLI configuration to use for command: string--configs-path: Path to influx CLI configurations (default ~/.influxdbv2/configs) string: INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH-h
Users are those with access to InfluxDB. To grant a user permission to access data, add them as a member of an organization and provide them with an API ...
Note: If you enable authentication and have no users, InfluxDB will not enforce authentication and will only accept the query that creates a new admin user.
See the authorization section for how to create an admin user. Note: If you enable authentication and have no users, InfluxDB will not enforce authentication ...
Create a user using the influx CLI. To create a new user, use the influx user create command and include the following:. Username; Organization name or organization ID to add the user to (provided in the output of influx org list)