Apr 10, 2020 · The Prometheus’ main data type is float64 (however, it has limited support for strings). Prometheus can write data with the millisecond resolution timestamps. InfluxDB is more advanced in this regard and can work with even nanosecond timestamps. Prometheus uses an append-only file per time-series approach for storing data.
10.04.2020 · Let’s now look at what is different between Prometheus and InfluxDB: The most notable difference is between the scopes of these platforms. Both systems could be used for monitoring and time-series data storing. However, InfluxDB is more known as a time-series database, while Prometheus has a broader scope of monitoring purposes.
Prometheus open source is more scalable than influxdb. If you want clustering for HA or for horizontal scaling, you need the enterprise version of InfluxDB. Prometheus doesn't have the same limitations. The Prometheus query language is a pain in the ass to learn, and it's harder on your users if you have them doing data exploration.
There are no real advantages to InfluxDB vs Prometheus when speaking in the context of Poller. Poller writes basically the same data to both. InfluxDB 1.x is being deprecated and InfluxDB 2.x supports Prometheus scraping, but Poller isn't fully caught up with InfluxDB 2 yet. What's supported will undoubtedly change in the next few months.
There are no real advantages to InfluxDB vs Prometheus when speaking in the context of Poller. Poller writes basically the same data to both. InfluxDB 1.x is being deprecated and InfluxDB 2.x supports Prometheus scraping, but Poller isn't fully caught up with InfluxDB 2 yet. What's supported will undoubtedly change in the next few months.
Prometheus für Infrastructure and Influxdb for Devs. This has a lot of reasons. If infrastructure is down we want to see it. So pull is better than push. Infrastructure (e.g. server or services like rabbitmq) can be monitored very easily. Microservices …
So it looks like node exporter is to Prometheus what Logstash is to ELK. Prometheus itself is a poor man's datastore filling the role of Ealsticsearch in ELK, but InfluxDB is better at it and recommended for keeping data longer term.