Better Balance in Informatics (BBI) | UiT › project › bbiThe project will help us gain knowledge and provides an opportunity to identify and try out different measures towards a more balanced computer science community. ‘Better Balance in Informatics' is part of the BALANSE-program of the Research Council of Norway. BALANSE focuses on promoting gender balance in the Norwegian science community ...
About Department of Computer Science | UiT › enhet › ifiThe mission of the Department is to advance research and teaching of computer science as a discipline. We will contribute as an enabling discipline to UiT’s strategic application areas including health, biology, energy, climate and environment. Department of Computer Science is located in the Science building (Realfagbygget. Telephone: +47 ...
Informatikk - bachelor | UiT › utdanning › programHartvigsen var i perioden 2005–2009 prodekan for forskning og utdanning ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, UiT. Han har tidligere bl.a. vært instituttleder, instituttnestleder og undervisningsleder ved Institutt for informatikk, UiT. Hartvigsen har omfattende administrativ erfaring fra UiT som leder for en rekke råd og utvalg.
Do, Quan | UiT › ansatte › quanStillingsbeskrivelse. Quan Do was born in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. After graduating from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), he worked in speech and image processing, speed and pattern recognition for the Vietnam Research Institute of Electronics, Informatics, and Automation for around three years.
Ifi – Institutt for informatikk | UiT for informatikk (IFI) er faglig ansvarlig for prosjektet og det skal alltid være en hovedveileder fra IFI. Det er ingen kostnader forbundet med samarbeidet, men det kan være aktuelt at bedrift stiller med kontorplass, tilgang til datasett, datasystemer og utstyr. Gjennom et samarbeid blir du kjent med både studenten og hans eller ...
Institutt for informatikk - › handle › 10037Energy as a service (EaaS) is an emerging business model that enables the otherwise passive energy consumers to play an active role and participate in the energy utility services. This platform is formed through smart contracts registering peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions of energy through price and quantity. Many industries, including finance ...