Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice Management, Policy & Practice publishes original research, literature and book reviews, methodology, policy analyses, case studies, education and training approaches, strategy, tactical and finance tips, practice reports, conference reports, booklists, news, products and conferences across all fields of innovation: •Technology strategy, collaboration and …
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice › journalsearchScope Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice publishes original research, literature and book reviews, methodology, policy analyses, case studies, education and training approaches, strategy, tactical and finance tips, practice reports, conference reports, booklists, news, products and conferences across all fields of innovation: •Technology strategy, collaboration and competition ...
International Journal of Innovation Management › journalsearchThe International Journal of Innovation (IJIM) is the official journal of the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Both the IJIM and ISPIM adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the many challenges of managing innovation, rather than a narrow focus on a single aspect such as technology, R&D or new ...
TIM Review
https://timreview.caThe Technology Innovation Management Review (TIM Review) provides insightful content about the issues and emerging trends relevant to launching and growing ...
Innovation - SCImago Journal Rank › journalsearchInnovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research is a social science journal on innovation, change, and transformation of organisations, institutions, and societies at large. It combines analytical and descriptive rigour with an attempt to provide and discuss solutions, visions, roadmaps as well as threat scenarios and dystopias.
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation › journalsearchScope JOTMI is a quarterly indexed electronic journal, refereed and edited by Business and Economy Faculty at Alberto Hurtado University. Its mission is to publish original and novel literature in the fields of technology management and innovation; putting emphasis in topics relevant in a global fashion, remarking in Latin-Ibero-America and the Caribbean.