InsightFace: an open source 2D&3D deep face analysis library
insightface.aiInsightFace is an integrated Python library for 2D&3D face analysis. InsightFace efficiently implements a rich variety of state of the art algorithms of face recognition, face detection and face alignment, which optimized for both training and deployment. Research institute and industrial organization can get benefits from InsightFace library.
GitHub - mlbo/Insightface-NPU › mlbo › Insightface-NPUInsightface Android NPU app/src/main 目录结构 ├─assets 存放模型 ├─java Java代码 ├─jni C++代码 │ ├─algorithm SCRFD代码 │ ├─include │ │ └─image 图像处理代码 │ ├─opencv-mobile-3.4.15-android OpenCV mobile │ │ │ └─utility SCRFD涉及处理代码 ├─jniLibs │ ├─arm64-v8a 64位Tengine Android动态库 │ └─armeabi-v7a 32位支持TIM-VX的Tengine Android动态库 准备 Khadas VIM3开发板一套
InsightFace: an open source 2D&3D deep face analysis library
insightface.aiInsightFace is an integrated Python library for 2D&3D face analysis. InsightFace efficiently implements a rich variety of state of the art algorithms of face recognition, face detection and face alignment, which optimized for both training and deployment. Research institute and industrial organization can get benefits from InsightFace library.