DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser - Apps en Google Play › store › appsEn DuckDuckGo creemos que internet no debería dar tanto miedo, y obtener la privacidad en línea que se merece debería ser tan sencillo como cerrar las persianas. Le ofrecemos los elementos esenciales de privacidad necesarios para controlar su información personal mientras busca y navega por internet, sin importar adónde le lleve: • Evite ...
DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser on the App Store › us › appIt is only supposed to create a new tab when you hold it down. I have this happen with a single tap all the time. Sometimes 4-5 times in a row. It is a time waster and annoying for me but I do not mean to sound ungrateful, I love this app and I love Duck Duck Go for their privacy policy. Thanks for getting back to me. Developer Response ,
DuckDuckGo › installDuckDuckGo. 1. Right click in the search bar. 2. Select Edit Search Engines... in the dropdown. 3. Find DuckDuckGo and click. Make default.