Tower links to OpenShift itself in order to facilitate scaling up and down without requiring you to manually execute the playbook (to bring up new nodes) or run ...
For the OpenShift installer, go to Tower links to OpenShift itself in order to facilitate scaling up and down without requiring you to manually execute the playbook (to bring up new nodes) or run management commands in the shell (to take nodes offline purposefully).
For the OpenShift installer, go to Tower (via RabbitMQ) links to OpenShift itself in order to facilitate scaling up and down without requiring you to manually execute the playbook (to bring up new nodes) or run management commands in the shell (to take nodes offline purposefully).
For OpenShift-based deployments, refer to OpenShift Deployment and Configuration. Ansible Tower has the following requirements: Starting with Ansible Tower ...
02.08.2021 · Running deployment. There are a few ways to trigger Tekton pipeline. WebHook — most advanced method when it will be launched Git action like (merge or commit); Pipeline UI in Openshift; Tekton CLI tool tkn (my preference). In our example, first, we install Ansible Tower 3.8.1 and upgrade it to 3.8.3 later.
The Ansible AWX Project is the fast-moving upstream project from which Red Hat Ansible Tower is derived. All Items explained in the Video : ...
Installing Ansible Tower · On your OpenShift infra node, download the package for ansible-tower-openshift-setup · Extract the package by running the commands:
21.09.2020 · Edit the Ansible Tower inventory file and set the following variable to the PVC name: openshift_pg_pvc_name=postgresql; Option 2b: Tower Managed Database, with Non-Persistent Data. With this option, PostgreSQL is installed by the Tower installer in OpenShift using an emptyDir volume that Tower creates for you. More info can be found here.. For this …
15.03.2019 · Ansible Tower has supported running to an Openshift cluster since version 3.3. This post will walk you through how to move your existing Tower instances from VM’s to containers running on Openshift...