Debian -- Getting Debian don't have to install Debian. The installation is pre-configured to match the hardware. The vendor may provide technical support. Try Debian live before installing You can try Debian by booting a live system from a CD, DVD or USB key without installing any files to the computer.
How to install Debian over Ubuntu - Quora › How-do-I-install-Debian-over-UbuntuThe short answer is you don’t. If you want to use the Ubuntu Software Center, install Ubuntu rather than trying to install it on Debian. Even though Ubuntu is a downstream fork of Debian Unstable, the binary packages from Ubuntu are not guaranteed to be compatible with Debian. You can run into a lot a compatibility problems when you try to mix packages from differing Linux distros on the same system.
Debian | Ubuntu, Debian encompasses over 50,000 packages of free, open source applications and documentation. About Ubuntu Ubuntu develops and maintains a cross-platform, open-source operating system based on Debian, with a focus on release quality, enterprise security updates and leadership in key platform capabilities for integration, security and usability.