Kernel/SourceCode - Ubuntu Wiki the kernel sources for an Ubuntu release using apt-get The literal source code which generated a specific binary package may be obtained using the apt-get source <package> command. For example to obtain the source for the currently running kernel you can use the command below: apt-get source linux-image-unsigned-$ (uname -r)
How do I get the kernel source code? - Ask Ubuntu · Download source directly from Launchpad. Strangely enough everyone recommends apt-get source which doesn't work most of the time if you're looking for a specific kernel version:. Say you need kernel source for 3.19.0-58 : apt-get source linux-image-3.19.0-58-generic will get the source for the latest kernel in the series: 3.19.0-80 in this case, which is not what you …
How to install full kernel source on Debian or Ubuntu › install-full-kernel-sourceJul 05, 2020 · If you want to install full kernel source, the Debian way described above should work on Ubuntu as well. There is another way to download full kernel source on Ubuntu. You can actually check out the kernel source tree maintained by Canonical for different Ubuntu releases. $ sudo apt-get install git $ git clone git://$ (lsb_release --codename | cut -f2).git.