UEFI - Install Guide - Manjaro
wiki.manjaro.org › indexTo use the Graphical Installer select the Install Manjaro option from the Manjaro Welcome screen or from the desktop. For the ESP (EFI system partition) which will store the EFI Grub binary, a 512mb partition of type fat32 can be created in the partitioning step, and mounted to /boot/efi.
How to install Google Drive on Manjaro
https://linuxhint.com/install-google-drive-manjaroGoogle Drive can be accessed on Manjaro using Gnome Accounts or Insync. It is a cloud storage platform that allows the users to manage their data on cloud. It is a matter of concern that Google has not yet issued the official release for Linux based systems. However, there are several clients that can be obtained on Linux to use Google Drive's services.