I am having a really hard time trying to install a stable data science package configuration in docker.This should be easier with such mainstream, relevant tools. The following is the Dockerfile that used to work, with a bit of a hack, removing pandas from the package core and installing it separately, specifying pandas<0.21.0, because, allegedly, higher versions conflict with numpy.
I am having a really hard time trying to install a stable data science package configuration in docker. This should be easier with such mainstream, ...
28.02.2018 · That's why when we install them using python pip during the building process, we always compile them from the source files in alpine: Downloading pandas-0.22.0.tar.gz (11.3MB) Downloading numpy-1.14.1.zip (4.9MB) and we can see …
Installing pandas in docker Alpine If you're not bound to Alpine 3.6, using Alpine 3.7 (or later) should work. On Alpine 3.6, installing matplotlib failed for me with the following: