Manually installing Proxmox 6.2 &Debian 10 (Buster) – › index › 2020/07/10Jul 10, 2020 · Install Proxmox apt install proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi # no to dhcp/wins # local only to postfix. The os-prober package scans all the partitions of your host including those of your guests VMs to create dual-boot GRUB entries. This can cause file system corruptions in VMs. As we didn’t install Proxmox VE as a dual boot we can safely remove the os-prober package.
Proxmox VE on Mac Mini – Part 1 › 2017/02/03Feb 03, 2017 · This will boot the Mac Mini into the Proxmox installation, which you can see below. Just the basics on the installation screen. Now select <Install Proxmox VE> and I basically left everything with the DEFAULT settings, so I will not go through all the screens; but I did want to point out two of them.