How to Integrate a vector? › matlabcentral › answersAug 30, 2017 · Accepted Answer. To integrate a vector, use the trapz (link) or cumtrapz (link) function, depending on the result you want. You probably need to calculate a time vector as well. Since audio files are column-major matrices (each column is a different channel), this will work to calcualte the time vector, with ‘y’ being your sound file, and ...
How to Integrate a vector? - MATLAB & Simulink › matlabcentral › answersAug 30, 2017 · Translate. To integrate a vector, use the trapz (link) or cumtrapz (link) function, depending on the result you want. You probably need to calculate a time vector as well. Since audio files are column-major matrices (each column is a different channel), this will work to calcualte the time vector, with ‘y’ being your sound file, and ‘Fs ...
How do I do numerical integration of a vector in MATLAB ... · Think about integration as to find area under the curve, which is formed by your vector. Well it's not actually a curve, but polygonal chain. What TRAPZ function is doing, it finds sum of areas of each trapezoids formed by every two neighbor points in your vector and their projection on X axis. See the function documentation, if you have uneven distance between your points or if distance not ...