02.02.2016 · 2. It should not be a problem, the jars are enough. 3. External dependencies shows everything, it could be that the dependency is added to some other module and the module that has the problem doesn't have this specific dependency for some reason. Please try to delete .idea directory and .iml files, then reimport the project from Maven.
04.07.2016 · IntelliJ is not importing my modules dependencies for some reason. Like it's not taking into account my modules pom.xml. The dependencies added for example in the core module don't figure in the External library of the subject. As I'm not yet that familiar with intelliJ I assume the problem comes from the project structure so here it is:
I have the same issue using IntelliJ EDU 2020.1 on Mac OS 10.11.6. I tried to find a plug-in in the idea log file but could not find one. Now I will try to reinstall IntelliJ or switch to Visual Studio Code, since this problem now keeps me busy for some hours already and does not seem to have been fixed within one year and nearly three months.
You can import IntelliJ modules into an existing Sonargraph project or while ... and root directory paths that should be imported and those that should not.
1 Answer · Remove the "wallbang" module with the "-" button. · Click "+" -> "Import Module", then select the pom.xml. · Configure it using the wizard. · Click "Ok".
15.06.2021 · Modules. In IntelliJ IDEA, a module is an essential part of any project – it's created automatically together with a project. Projects can contain multiple modules – you can add new modules, group them, and unload the modules you don't need at the moment.. Generally, modules consist of one or several content roots and a module file, however, modules can exists without …
19.06.2018 · IntelliJ does not recognize workspace maven modules. When using maven, first everything worked fine, but during the last weeks I found that IntelliJ seems to have forgotten how to resolve my workspace artifacts and instead tries to rely on the artifacts in the maven repository. I've got a huge multi-module maven project (so rebuilding it all ...