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international j of physics

International Journal of Theoretical Physics | Home
21.10.2021 · Ihe International Journal of Theoretical Physics publishes original research and reviews in theoretical physics and neighboring fields. Dedicated to the unification of the latest physics research, this journal seeks to map the direction of future research by presenting original work in traditional physics like general relativity, quantum theory with relativistic quantum field …
International Journal of Modern Physics E
International Journal of Modern Physics E. Nuclear Physics. ISSN (print): 0218-3013 | ISSN (online): 1793-6608. Tools. Recommend to library. Alert me on new issues. RSS.
International Journal of Modern Physics D 5 Year Impact ...
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Jan 12, 2022 · The ISSN (Online) of International Journal of Modern Physics D is 1793-6594 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic. International Journal of Modern Physics D Key Factor Analysis
International Journal of Physics and Applications
International Journal of Physics and Applications is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal. This journal aims to publish original research papers devoted to various areas of Physics and its Applications.
European Journal of Physics - IOPscience
With a world-wide readership and authors from every continent, European Journal of Physics is a truly international journal dedicated to maintaining and improving the standard of taught physics in universities and other higher education institutes.
《international journal of modern physics a》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关sci期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《int j mod phys a》" 杂志的可信度。学术期刊真正的价值在于它是否能为科技进步及社会发展带来积极促进作用。
Physics International | Science Publications
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Physics International is an international open access journal which offers authors the opportunity to publish articles in all the fundamental and ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series - IOPscience
If you would like more detailed information regarding Journal of Physics: Conference Series please visit conferenceseries.iop.org, and if you are interested in publishing a proceedings with IOP Conference Series please visit our page for conference organizers.. Conference organizers can use our online form and we will get in touch with a quote and further details.
Home:: International Journal of Physics
International Journal of Physics. 2021, 9 (6), 308-317. DOI: 10.12691/ijp-9-6-6. Pub. Date: December 03, 2021. This paper extends the application of the ROTASE model for the formation of spiral arms of disc galaxies with detailed description of most common spiral patterns of barred galaxies with substantially different types of morphologies ...
International Journal of Physics
International Journal of Physics.2021, 9(6), 286-307.DOI: 10.12691/ijp-9-6-5 Pub. Date: December 01, 2021
International Journal of Physics - Serials Publications
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AIMS AND SCOPE: The International Journal of Physics (OJP) is an international and Physical journal published by Serials Publications (India) www.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics | Home - Springer
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International Journal of Theoretical Physics · Presents original research and reviews in theoretical physics and neighboring fields · Maps the direction of future ...
International Journal of Modern Physics E
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International Journal of Modern Physics E. Nuclear Physics. ISSN (print): 0218-3013 | ISSN (online): 1793-6608. Tools. Recommend to library. Alert me on new issues. RSS.
International Journal of Thermophysics | Home
10.01.2022 · International Journal of Thermophysics serves as an international medium for the publication of papers in thermophysics, assisting both generators and users of thermophysical properties data. This distinguished journal publishes both experimental and theoretical papers on thermophysical properties of matter in the liquid, gaseous, and solid ...
International Journal of Physics Research and Applications ...
The International Journal of Physics Research and Applications is committed in making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others.
International Journal of Physics and Astronomy (IJPA)
International Journal of Physics and Astronomy is an international journal devoted to the promotion of the recent progresses in all fields of physics and ...
International Journal of Modern Physics A - World Scientific
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International Journal of Modern Physics A. Particles and Fields; Gravitation; Cosmology. ISSN (print): 0217-751X | ISSN (online): 1793-656X.
International Journal of Physics - Science and Education ...
http://www.sciepub.com › IJP
International Journal of Physics ISSN (Print): 2333-4568 ISSN (Online): 2333-4576 Website: http://www.sciepub.com/journal/ijp. Editor-in-chief: B.D. Indu.
International Journal of Physics and Applications
International Journal of Physics and Applications is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal. This journal aims to publish original ...
International Journal of Physics
www.sciepub.com › journal › IJP
International Journal of Physics.2021, 9(6), 286-307.DOI: 10.12691/ijp-9-6-5 Pub. Date: December 01, 2021
International Journal of Physics & Mathematics - IJSERPAM
International Journal of Physics & Mathematics intends to fulfil a need in the physics community by publishing research surveys, case studies,extended version of already published papers in journal/conferences,reviews, technical notes and expository overviews in physics, maths and related fields.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series - IOPscience
https://iopscience.iop.org › journal
The open access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service.
International Journal of Physics | Publons
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International Journal of Physics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of ...
International Journal of Physics and Mathematics
International Journal of Physics and Mathematics is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal. This journal publishes research papers in the fields of Physics and Mathematics such as General Physics, Nonlinear Science, Statistical Physics, Transport Theory, Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics, Plasma and Fluid Physics, Condensed Matter, …
International Journal of Physics and Mathematics
this journal publishes research papers in the fields of physics and mathematics such as general physics, nonlinear science, statistical physics, transport theory, atomic, molecular and cluster physics, plasma and fluid physics, condensed matter, nanoscience, astronomy and astrophysics, chemistry, earth and atmospheric sciences, physics, …
International Journal of Modern Physics A
Jian-Hua Gao, Zuo-Tang Liang and Qun Wang. We give a brief overview of the kinetic theory for spin-1/2 fermions in Wigner function formalism. The chiral and spin kinetic equations can be derived from equations for Wigner functions. A general Wigner function has 16 components which satisfy 32 coupled equations.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics | Volumes and ...
Volume 60 January - October 2021. October 2021, issue 10. September 2021, issue 9. August 2021, issue 8. July 2021, issue 7. Quantum Computation Complexity Theory and Quantum Network Theory. June 2021, issue 6. May 2021, issue 5. April 2021, issue 4.