International Journal of Theoretical Physics | Home · Ihe International Journal of Theoretical Physics publishes original research and reviews in theoretical physics and neighboring fields. Dedicated to the unification of the latest physics research, this journal seeks to map the direction of future research by presenting original work in traditional physics like general relativity, quantum theory with relativistic quantum field …
Home:: International Journal of Physics
www.internationaljournalofphysics.comInternational Journal of Physics. 2021, 9 (6), 308-317. DOI: 10.12691/ijp-9-6-6. Pub. Date: December 03, 2021. This paper extends the application of the ROTASE model for the formation of spiral arms of disc galaxies with detailed description of most common spiral patterns of barred galaxies with substantially different types of morphologies ...
International Journal of Thermophysics | Home · International Journal of Thermophysics serves as an international medium for the publication of papers in thermophysics, assisting both generators and users of thermophysical properties data. This distinguished journal publishes both experimental and theoretical papers on thermophysical properties of matter in the liquid, gaseous, and solid ...
International Journal of Physics and Mathematics
https://www.physicsjournal.netInternational Journal of Physics and Mathematics is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal. This journal publishes research papers in the fields of Physics and Mathematics such as General Physics, Nonlinear Science, Statistical Physics, Transport Theory, Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics, Plasma and Fluid Physics, Condensed Matter, …
International Journal of Physics and Mathematics
www.physicsjournal.netthis journal publishes research papers in the fields of physics and mathematics such as general physics, nonlinear science, statistical physics, transport theory, atomic, molecular and cluster physics, plasma and fluid physics, condensed matter, nanoscience, astronomy and astrophysics, chemistry, earth and atmospheric sciences, physics, …