Asian J Agric & Biol › ajab-instructions-for-authorsAsian Journal of Agriculture and Biology (AJAB) is a peer reviewed, open access, quarterly journal serving as a means for scientific information exchange in international and national fora. The scope encompasses all disciplines of agriculture and biology including animal, plant and environmental sciences.
International Journal of Agriculture And Biology
https://fspublishers.orgInternational Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IJAB) publishes peer reviewed papers on all aspects of agriculture and biology, as reviews (solicited or submitted), research articles (full length and short communications). Contributions are considered for evaluation on the understanding that they are original and not being considered for ...
Asian J Agric & Biol Journal of Agriculture and Biology (AJAB) is a peer reviewed, open access, quarterly journal serving as a means for scientific information exchange in international and national fora. The scope encompasses all disciplines of agriculture and biology including animal, plant and environmental sciences. All manuscripts are evaluated for their ...