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https://www.ijeas.orgWelcome. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of basic and transitional knowledge in engineering, technology and related disciplines.IJEAS would take much care in making your research …
International Journal of Applied Research
www.allresearchjournal.comInternational Journal of Applied Research is a Peer Reviewed Journal. Prime focus of the journal to publish articles related to the current trends of research. This Multidisciplinary Journal provides the platform with the aim of motivating the students and personnel in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Medical Science and Engineering.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
https://www.ijsr.netAbout the Journal. This is an Open Access, Fully Refereed, and Peer Reviewed Journal.Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, International Online Journal with High Impact Factor. Being a Monthly Journal, 12 issues are published per year. This journal also acts as a host of International and National Conferences to publish their research work.
International Journal of Applied Science and Research
ijasr.orgInternational Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR] is a bi-annual, reviewed, multidisciplinary journal of IJASR focuses on integrating theory, research and practice in the area of Applied Science and Research.It aspires to bring academicians, researchers, industry people and practitioners together. Scope & Area Coverage
International Journal of Applied Research
https://www.allresearchjournal.comInternational Journal of Applied Research is a Peer Reviewed Journal. Prime focus of the journal to publish articles related to the current trends of research. This Multidisciplinary Journal provides the platform with the aim of motivating the students and personnel in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Medical Science and Engineering.
Home - International Journal of Applied Sciences and ...
ijasbt.orgTo publish peer reviewed research and review articles describing recent advances and applied aspects of various sciences and biotechnology is the only aim of IJASBT. All applied areas of sciences are considered for publication. Publication Schedule: March, June, September & December (last week of due month)