International Journal of Biological Sciences
https://ijbs.comInternational Journal of Biological Sciences. Research Paper. Diverse Ras-related GTPase DIRAS2, downregulated by PSMD2 in a proteasome-mediated way, inhibits colorectal cancer proliferation by blocking NF-κB signaling. Ke Ying, Chan Wang, Shuiping Liu, Yeye Kuang, Qian Tao, Xiaotong Hu.
https://ijarbs.comInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences (ISSN: 2348-8069) is a peer reviewed, Open access, referred, indexed research journal. The mission of International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences is to significantly broaden the knowledge base of its readers and in this sense; the journal shall focus on only those papers that fall within its scope.