IJCS Journal | International journal of Computer Science
www.ijcsjournal.comAbout our IJCS Journal International Journal of Computer Science. International Journal of Computer Science is a computer-oriented research group of organization and it is purely related to publish an article which followed along with computer science, Information Technology and Engineering Background.
www.ijcsit.comInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies® (IJCSIT ® ) is an online peer reviewed journal launched by TECH SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS that publishes Review/Research articles which contribute new theoretical results in all areas of Computer Science, Communication Network and Information Technologies.
https://www.ijcst.comInternational Journal of Computer Science and Technology ... ProQuest, Computer Science Directory, Scirus, iSeek and with high publication Impact factor.
IJCS Journal | International journal of Computer Science
www.ijcsjournal.comOpen access is a broad international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic information, such as publications and data. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) is established since 2013. IJCS is an online journal is a peer reviewed by the Editorial members and reviewers and it is open access for the all ...
International Journal of Computer Science & Communication ...
www.csjournals.comIJCSC (IMPACT FACTOR: 5.1) an Indexed and referred international academic journal since 2010. Invites unpublished, original, and high quality research work specifically in the areas of Computer Science. Areas included (but not limited to) Data Compression, Data Engineering, Data Warehousing, Databases, Design of Algorithms, Digital Speech ...