International Journal of Control › journalsearchThe International Journal of Control publishes top quality, peer reviewed papers in all areas, both established and emerging, of control theory and its applications. Readership: Development engineers and research workers in industrial automatic control. Research workers and students in automatic control and systems science in universities.
MUK Publications Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control currently has an acceptance rate of 24% (2020). The average time between submission and final decision is 2 month and the average time between acceptance and publication is 3 to 4 month. Call for Paper for Special issue in 2021 Special issue on Artificial Intelligence DOWNLOAD
MUK Publications › ijcicInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control currently has an acceptance rate of 24% (2020). The average time between submission and final decision is 2 month and the average time between acceptance and publication is 3 to 4 month.