International Journal of Differential Equations › journalsearchThe journal welcomes submissions not only from mathematicians, but from all scientists who use differential equations as tools within their own discipline. As well as original research, International Journal of Differential Equations also publishes focused review articles that examine the state of the art, identify emerging trends, and suggest ...
International Journal of Differential Equations and ..."International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications" is a mathematical journal for publishing carefully selected original research papers on differential equations in their broadest sense: Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Functional Differential Equations, Difference Equations, Functional Equations,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS › ijdeIJDE Homepage. ISSN 0973-6069. AIMS AND SCOPE. IJDE is an international research journal which publishes top-level work from all areas of difference equations and their applications. IJDE has no “page charges”. IJDE is indexed by Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt. IJDE is published twice a year. IJDE’s official abbreviation is Int. J ...