https://www.theijes.comTHE IJES Journal. The International Journal of Engineering & Science is aimed at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, scientists, or educators to ...
IJENS - International Journals of Engineering and Sciences
https://www.ijens.orgThe International Journals of Engineering and Sciences (IJENS) visualize to prosper across the continents by providing a magnificent platform to publish the research papers of excellent theoretical and applied research in all present and future era Engineering, Computing and Sciences regulations. From basic research to application development in all the fields of …
IJENS - International Journals of Engineering and Sciences
www.ijens.orgThe International Journals of Engineering and Sciences are excellent, intellectual, peer reviewed combination of journals that take a scholarly approach in creating, developing, integrating, sharing and applying knowledge about all the fields of study in Engineering, Computing and Sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession.
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www.ijeas.orgWelcome. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of basic and transitional knowledge in engineering, technology and related disciplines.