EJ1222883 - Education Resources Information Center
eric.ed.govInternational Journal of Information and Learning Technology, v36 n4 p354-363 2019 Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of technology and online communication platforms in English language learning based on connectivist theory.
ijiet.orgAbout IJIET International Journal of Information and Education Technology International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET) is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold in Singapore, Asia and opens to the world.It aims to promote the integration of information and education technology.
ijiet.orgInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology ( IJIET) is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold in Singapore, Asia and opens to the world. It aims to promote the integration of information and education technology. The focus is to publish papers on the application of mobile information and ...