International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences publishes research across all fields of mathematics and mathematical sciences, such as pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, probability and mathematical statistics.
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure ...
02-12-2021 · The International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education received its first impact factor in 2012 in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters). For more information about International Journal of Science and
It publishes original research papers and critical survey articles in the field of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Applications and Applied Statistics.
Scope The International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences is a refereed math journal devoted to publication of original research articles, research notes, and review articles, with emphasis on contributions to unsolved problems and open questions in mathematics and mathematical sciences.
The International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (IJMCS) is a high-quality refereed quarterly journal (semiannual from 2009 to 2018-OPEN-ACCESS since 2012) which publishes original papers in the broad subjects of mathematics and computer science written in English. The journal's Editorial Board consists of internationally-renowned ...
The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), originally established as the National Science Council (NSC), is the government agency dedicated to scientific ...
02.12.2021 · The International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education received its first impact factor in 2012 in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters). For more information about International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu Senior Editor, IJSME Graduate Institute of Science Education National Taiwan Normal …
The International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences is a biweekly peer-reviewed mathematics journal. It was established in 1978 by Lokenath ...
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | IJMMS is a refereed, math journal devoted to publication of original research papers, ...