International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural ... › international-journal-ofNov 20, 2021 · The investigation of agribusiness is known as horticultural science. International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences (IJRSAS) is an internationally peer reviewed, open access journal that publishes current research in Agricultural Sciences and its related fields. We publish recent advancements in disciplines such as Agribusiness, Agricultural science, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Agricultural engineering, Mechanised agriculture, Intensive crop farming, Organic farming etc.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
journaljeai.comJournal of Experimental Agriculture International is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of agriculture and biology. The journal publishes original scientific papers, short communications, review articles and case studies. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer reviewed, open access INTERNATIONAL journal. Subject matters include all areas of agricultural and biological …
International Journal of Modern Agriculture
modern-journal.comThe publication of International Journal of Modern Agriculture (Int. J. Mod. Agric.) ISSN 2305-7246 was started in 2012 with four issues per year.. The International Journal of Modern Agriculture (Int. J. Mod. Agric.) ISSN 2305-7246 is an OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL covers subjects like:. Plant science; Plant production; Plant biotechnology and molecular biology
Agriculture | An Open Access Journal from MDPI Agriculture is an international, scientific peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly online by MDPI. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), AGRICOLA, AGRIS, RePEc, and many other databases.
Crop Yield Prediction Using Machine Learning › archive › v9i4Jan 28, 2009 · International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583 Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY web page for predicting the influence of climatic parameters on the crop yields.C4.5 algorithm is used to produce the
International Journal of Agronomy | Open Access Journals › mcdaModern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy strives hard to create a platform for students, scientists, academics, engineers all over the world to share, promote and discuss various topics, inventions and developments in different aspects of agriculture. The major aspect of the journal is to spread newfangled knowledge on agriculture and its development,by publishing high quality articles.