About the Journal | International Journal of Spine Surgery
www.ijssurgery.com › page › AboutThe International Journal of Spine Surgery (IJSS) is published by the International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS).It is the official scientific journal of ISASS, the International Intradiscal Therapy Society, the Pittsburgh Spine Summit, and the Büttner-Janz Spinefoundation, and it is an official partner of the Southern Neurosurgical Society.
International Journal of Spine Surgery
www.ijssurgery.comThe International Journal of Spine Surgery is the official scientific journal of ISASS, the International Intradiscal Transforaminal Therapy Society, TURKMISS, the World Federation of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, the Pittsburgh Spine Summit, and the Büttner-Janz Spinefoundation, and is an official partner of the Southern Neurosurgical Society.
International Journal of Spine Surgery
www.ijssurgery.comThe International Journal of Spine Surgery is the official scientific journal of ISASS, the International Intradiscal Transforaminal Therapy Society, TURKMISS, the World Federation of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, the Pittsburgh Spine Summit, and the Büttner-Janz Spinefoundation, and is an official partner of the Southern Neurosurgical Society.