Pure and Applied Chemistry - De Gruyter
www.degruyter.com › journal › keySince 1960, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has made available to chemists everywhere a large amount of important chemical information published in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry . In 2020 we celebrated IUPAC’s 60th anniversary! As part of these celebrations, we are offering free access to the virtual issue of PAC: 60 seminal papers published in PAC over ...
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research
https://jpacr.ub.ac.id26.04.2017 · The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research is a peer reviewed international journal that publish research articles in the field of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry. The target is in exploring, investigating, and developing chemicals sources from local and/or Indonesian to increase the value and promoting to the broader stakeholders.
International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
journalirjpac.com › index › IRJPACInternational Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (ISSN: 2231-3443) aims to publish original research articles, review articles and short communications in all aspects of pure and applied chemistry including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, molecular biology and genetics, inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, materials chemistry, chemistry of solids ...
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research
jpacr.ub.ac.idApr 26, 2017 · The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research is a peer reviewed international journal that publish research articles in the field of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry. The target is in exploring, investigating, and developing chemicals sources from local and/or Indonesian to increase the value and promoting to the broader stakeholders.
Pure and Applied Chemistry - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchPure and Applied Chemistry is the official monthly Journal of IUPAC, with responsibility for publishing works arising from those international scientific events and projects that are sponsored and undertaken by the Union. The policy is to publish highly topical and credible works at the forefront of all aspects of pure and applied chemistry ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry - De Gruyter
https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/pac/htmlSince 1960, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has made available to chemists everywhere a large amount of important chemical information published in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry . In 2020 we celebrated IUPAC’s 60th anniversary! As part of these celebrations, we are offering free access to the virtual issue of PAC: 60 seminal papers …
International Journal of Applied Chemistry
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearch0.103 (2016) 0.119 (2017) 0.127 (2018) 0.142 (2019) The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a ...