coast.nd.edu › 30125 › pdfnotesCE 30125 - Lecture 2 p. 2.2 • In numerical methods, like tables, the values of the function are only specified at a discrete number of points! Using interpolation, we can describe or at least approximate the function at every point in space. • For numerical methods, we use interpolation to • Interpolate values from computations
Chapter 3 Interpolation - MIT OpenCourseWare
ocw.mit.edu › MIT18_330S12_Chapter3Interpolation Interpolation is the problem of tting a smooth curve through a given set of points, generally as the graph of a function. It is useful at least in data analy-sis (interpolation is a form of regression), industrial design, signal processing (digital-to-analog conversion) and in numerical analysis. It is one of those
Math 361S Lecture Notes Interpolation
services.math.duke.edu › Lec4-Interpolation1 Polynomial interpolation 1.1 Background: Facts about polynomials Given an integer n 1, de ne P n to be the space of polynomials with real coe cients of degree at most n. That is, p(x) 2P n ()p(x) = a 0 + a 1x+ + a nxn; a i 2Rn: Polynomials can be added or multiplied by scalars, so P n is a vector space. There are n+1 independent coe cients ...
Chapter 3 - Interpolation - University of Saskatchewan
www.cs.usask.ca › ~spiteri › M211Final notes: The coe cients c k can be obtained recursively in O(n2) operations using divided di erences. These computations are less prone to over ow and under ow than the previous methods. In theory, any order of the interpolation points x k is OK, but the conditioning depends on this ordering! Left-to-right ordering is not necessarily the best!