- Abstract
intersystem-crossing.com28.07.2021 · Abstract. This essay discusses some predictions of the role of AI in our future. Notably, AI scales far better than human organizations for aggregating and communicating information. This should allow us to solve large problems in e.g. biology and human health, but it also puts downward pressure on the value of human intellectual labor, much the same as …
Intersystem crossing in the exit channel › servlets › purlIntersystem crossing plays an important role in photochemistry. It is understood to be efficient when heavy atoms are pres-ent due to strong spin–orbit coupling, or when strongly bound long-lived complexes are formed that increase the chance of finding the singlet–triplet intersection seam.
Intersystem Crossing – Wikipedia Crossing (ISC, engl.) ist ein Begriff aus der Photochemie und der Spektroskopie. Im Deutschen wird er auch Interkombination genannt. Er bezeichnet den strahlungslosen Übergang von einem elektronischen Anregungszustand in einen anderen Anregungszustand mit veränderter Multiplizität (der elektronische Grundzustandist hierbei mit umfasst). Üblicherw…
Intersystem crossing via charge recombination in a ... · Intersystem crossing via charge recombination in a perylene–naphthalimide compact electron donor/acceptor dyad M. Imran, A. M. El-Zohry, C. Matt, M. Taddei, S. Doria, L. Bussotti, P. Foggi, J. Zhao, M. Di Donato, O. F. Mohammed and S. Weber, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 8305 DOI: 10.1039/D0TC00017E
IUPAC - intersystem crossing (I03123) › terms › viewFeb 24, 2014 · The IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology. A photophysical process. An isoenergetic @[email protected] between two electronic states having different multiplicities. It often results in a vibrationally excited molecular entity in the lower @[email protected], which then usually deactivates to its lowest vibrational level.