Introduction to Probability 2nd Edition Problem Solutions › ~ee126 › sp12Jul 31, 2008 · Then, you will win the tournament if you win against the 2nd player (probability p 2) and also you win against at least one of the two other players [probability p 1 + (1 − p 1)p 3 = p 1 + p 3 − p 1p 3]. Thus, the probability of winning the tournament is p 2(p 1 + p 3 − p 1p 3). The order (1,2,3) is optimal if and only if the above probability is no less than the
Textbook: Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition · Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition. by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis. ISBN: 978-1-886529-23-6 Publication: July 2008, 544 pages, hardcover Price: $91.00 Description: Contents, Preface, Preface to the 2nd Edition, 1st Chapter, Useful Tables Supplementary Material: For the 1st Edition: Problem Solutions (last updated 5/15/07), …