Investor - Home
https://www.investorab.comInvestor, founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916, is an owner of high-quality, global companies. We have a long-term investment perspective. Through board participation, our industrial experience, network and financial strength, we support our companies to outperform competition and reach their full potential.
Investor - Home
www.investorab.comInvestor, founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916, is an owner of high-quality, global companies. We have a long-term investment perspective. Through board participation, our industrial experience, network and financial strength, we support our companies to outperform competition and reach their full potential. 761
Wallenberg family - Wikipedia Wallenberg Jr. and his younger son Peter Wallenberg Sr., focused their interests on the family's investment companies, Investor and Providentia. Investor now became the family's new flagship business, and, under Marcus Wallenberg Jr. 's leadership began actively promoting the restructuring of most of the industrial companies under its control, replacing board members and …
Investor (selskap) – Wikipedia AB er et svensk investeringsselskap som ble grunnlagt i 1916 og som fremdeles kontrolleres av familien Wallenberg gjennom de såkalte Wallenbergstiftelserna som er hovedeiere i selskapet. Selskapet forvalter aksjer med stemmerett i fremfor alt svenske selskap. Kjerneinvesteringer. Følgende liste er fra juli 2007: ABB; AstraZeneca
Dette er Sveriges mektigste familier – E24 · Gjennom holdingselskapet Investor sitter de i dag med eierposter i en rekke av Sveriges største selskaper, blant annet Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, Aleris og Husqvarna. Det er Jacob og Marcus Wallenberg som styrer forretningene i dag, men familiens overhode, 87 år gamle Peter Wallenberg, skal visstnok fremdeles ta del i alle de viktigste beslutningsprosessene.
Wallenberg – Wikipedia (eller Wallenbergarna, Familien Wallenberg) er en svensk slekt med stort eierskap og innflytelse innenfor næringslivet i Sverige og Skandinavia.Familiens motto hevdes å være: «Esse, non videri», att verka, men inte synas.Familiens formue forvaltes gjennom holdingselskapet Investor AB.. En del av selskapene som har vært med i Wallenbergsfæren i lengre tid er SEB, …
Investor AB - Wikipedia AB is a Swedish investment and de facto conglomerate holding company, founded in 1916 and still controlled by the Wallenberg family through their Foundation Asset Management company FAM. The company owns a controlling stake in several large Swedish companies with smaller positions in a number of other firms.
Investor AB - Wikipedia › wiki › Investor_ABInvestor AB is a Swedish investment and de facto conglomerate holding company, founded in 1916 and still controlled by the Wallenberg family through their Foundation Asset Management company FAM. The company owns a controlling stake in several large Swedish companies with smaller positions in a number of other firms. Contents 1 History