Point Your DNS to Cisco Umbrella
docs.umbrella.com › docs › point-your-dns-to-ciscoConfiguring your DNS directs traffic from your network to the Cisco Umbrella global network. When a request to resolve a hostname on the internet is made from a network pointed at our DNS addresses, Umbrella applies the security settings in line with your policy. To use Umbrella, you need to explicitly point the DNS settings in your operating system or hardware firewall/router to Umbrella's name server IP addresses and turn off the automatic DNS servers provided by your ISP.
Configuring DNS - Cisco
www.cisco.com › dns-15-sy-book › Configuring-DNSIP DNS-based hostname-to-address translation is enabled ip domain lookup! Specifies hosts and as name servers ip name-server! Defines cisco.com as the default domain name the device uses to complete! Set the name for unqualified hostnames ip domain name cisco.com