IPA Chart - IPA - The Sound of English
https://thesoundofenglish.org/ipa02.05.2022 · 5. /əː/ = /ɜː/. In a chart with /ɛː/, it can be highly confusing for learners to also use symbol /ɜː/, though there is no difference in the sound. 16. /ʌɪ/ = /aɪ/. Many speakers start the sounds /aɪ/ and /aʊ/ in different positions, so it can be confusing for learners to have the same symbol in both, using /ʌɪ/ resolves this.
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) reference for English
ahladang.com › uploads › 2016IPA examples p apple, stop t tree, want tʃchair, teacher k cat, walk f fish, if θthink, both s stop, fast ʃshe, fish Consonants (voiced) IPA examples b bad, beer d door, food dʒjoke, lounge g green, dog v vote, five ð they, mother z zoo, noise ʒpleasure, vision Crown Academy of English youtube.com/CrownAcademyEnglish