Exercise 1. Make a phonemic (broad) HCE transcription of the following words. Note that the answer button is sitting right there in easy reach, but the value in this exercise lies in doing it yourself first – that’s how learning happens. So grab a pen and paper and make your own transcriptions, and then come back to crosscheck your work ...
This would give you speaked. Correct. Incorrect. If you listen carefully, you will hear that there is no [t], just glottal stop followed by [n]. Incorrect. Don't let the spelling get in they way of how you transcribe the vowels. Incorrect. This is orthogrpahic, not phonetic. Incorrect.
If you wish to do so, you can make use of one of these tools: Flash Phonemic Typewriter, here you will find many IPA symbols; IPA charts, here you will find all ...
You can look at the results in phonemic transcription and in connected speech. 2. Can you hear it? It would not be phonetics without careful auditory analysis ...
IPA Online - Practical exercises Practical Exercises Phonetics includes a lot of transcription, and that takes lots of practice! On these pages you will find a range of transcription exercises: these consist of video files showing the production of either nonsense words or …
Transcription exercises, such as making both a phonemic (broad) and a phonetic (narrow) transcription of the following words, followed with audio files.
IPA charts, here you will find all IPA symbols 1. A penny saved is a penny earned. 2. Blood is thicker than water. 3. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 4. A friend in need is a friend in deed. 5. All that glitters is not gold. 6. Hunger is the best sauce. 7. Better late than never. 8. Necessity is the mother of invention. 9. Still waters run deep.
Transcription exercises. General remarks: There are essentially two types of transcription, phonetic and phonemic. (phonological). Phonetic transcription is ...