IPv4 – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) er versjon 4 av Internett-protokollen og var den første versjonen som oppnådde vidstrakt bruk. IPv4 opererer på nettverkslaget i OSI-modellen for datanett og er en forbindelsesløs og upålitelig pakkeleveringstjeneste. IPv4 er spesifisert i IETF RFC 791, som ble
What is IPv4? - GeeksforGeeks
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-ipv405.05.2020 · IPv4 could be a numeric address, and its bits are separated by a dot. The number of header fields is twelve and the length of the header field is twenty. It has Unicast, broadcast, and multicast style of addresses. IPv4 supports VLSM (Virtual Length Subnet Mask). IPv4 uses the Post Address Resolution Protocol to map to the MAC address.
IPv4 - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP). It is one of the core protocols of standards-based internetworking methods in the Internet and other packet-switched networks. IPv4 was the first version deployed for production on SATNET in 1982 and on the ARPANETin January 1983. It is still used to route most Internet traffic today, despite the ongoing de…