Plural and singular nouns: do "A cat is an animal" and "Cats ... › questions › 294234Aug 05, 2021 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. A cat is an animal. Cats are animals. The meaning of these two statements is, essentially, the same. Of course, "a cat" is singular, and "cats" is plural. In most contexts, "a cat" would refer to just one cat. However, in the statement " a cat is an animal ", a single cat is being used as an example that is representative of all cats, and that's why it means the same as the second statement.
deer, fish, moose, sheep, swine, buffalo - The Guardian › qu...Why do some English words have the same singular and plural? Examples are mostly animals - deer, fish, moose, sheep, swine, buffalo - but also aircraft, ...