What Is This Chromium Application That Just Appeared …
11.03.2019 · Chromium is an open-source browser application that was initially created by Google. Chromium is the source code for what became the Chrome browser. When Google released Chrome in 2008, it also released the …
Chromium (web browser) - Wikipedia
Chromium is a free and open-source web browser project, principally developed and maintained by Google. This codebase provides the vast majority of code …
Chrome is Bad
https://chromeisbad.com12.12.2020 · Chrome is Bad. Dec 12 2020. Short story: Google Chrome installs an updater called Keystone on your computer, which is bizarrely correlated to massive unexplained CPU usage in WindowServer (a system process), and made my whole computer slow even when Chrome wasn't running.Deleting Chrome and Keystone made my computer way, way faster, all the time.