Beer Cans: The Pros & Cons of Drinking From a Can · Because aluminum conducts heat well, a canned beer will cool quickly. But, remember a canned beer won’t stay cool as long as bottled beer for the same reason. Quick Tip: No matter if you prefer a can or bottle, putting your beer in an cold water bath will cool it faster than the freezer or a beverage fridge. 6. Public Places and Outdoors:
Beer Cans: The Pros & Cons of Drinking From a Can › beer-cansAug 12, 2015 · Cans block 100% of light, helping prevent skunked beer and giving you the beer the brewer intended for you to taste. 2. Cans are Light: A can weighs in around 15 grams versus a bottles 170 grams. Lower weight means lower emissions (smaller carbon footprint) from transportation and distribution of a brewer’s product.