What is an ISSN? | ISSN
https://www.issn.org/understanding-the-issn/what-is-an-issnAn ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) identifies all continuing resources, irrespective of their medium (print or electronic): newspapers, annual publications (reports, directories, lists, etc.), journals, magazines, collections, websites, databases, blogs,etc.
What is an ISSN? | ISSN
www.issn.org › understanding-the-issn › what-is-an-issnAn ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) identifies all continuing resources, irrespective of their medium (print or electronic): newspapers, annual publications (reports, directories, lists, etc.), journals, magazines, collections, websites, databases, blogs,etc.
ISBN Norge | Nasjonalbiblioteket
https://www.nb.no/standardnummerering/isbnISBN står for «International Standard Book Number» og er et internasjonalt system for identifisering av bøker. Nummeret er en tallkombinasjon som gjør det mulig å identifisere enhver bok, og er svært nyttig både for bibliotek og bokhandlere. Søk om ISBN Ny utgiver Utgivere som allerede er tildelt ISBN
Requesting an ISSN | ISSN
www.issn.org › services › requesting-an-issnRequesting an ISSN. 1. Please read carefully the guidelines in the language of your choice. Select the langage Comment demander un ISSN? Cómo solicitar un ISSN? 如何申请 ISSN 号?. запрос на получение ISSN اجراءات تقدیم طلب رقم دولي موحد للدوریات Requesting an ISSN. 2. Process your ...
www.issn.org2.5 million ISSN assigned, more than 70,000 new ISSN per year and 130,000 ISSN modified per year: https://portal.issn.org. Read more
Advanced Search | The ISSN Portal
https://portal.issn.org/advancedsearchCatalogues Librarianship General reference works (as subject) Serial publications, periodicals (as subject) Organizations of a general nature Newspapers. The Press. Journalism Polygraphies. Collective works Manuscripts. Rare and remarkable works. --Select-- Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work Documentation.
Welcome to The ISSN Portal | The ISSN Portal
https://portal.issn.orgThe ISSN International Centre is glad to support the 2021 FORCE11 Online Conference as Platinum Sponsor. This conference will focus on a number of relevant topics for the ISSN Network, e.g. Research assessment, Scholarly communications role in the sustainable development goals, Governance of open science and Science discoverability. Dr.
ISSN – Store norske leksikon
https://snl.no/ISSN11.05.2018 · International Standard Serial Number Et ISSN-nummer består av åtte siffer. De syv første tallene står for tidsskriftets tittel, mens det siste tegnet har en kontrollfunksjon. Tidsskrifter som publiseres i både trykt og digital form får hvert sitt nummer.
ISSN FAQ (Library of Congress) - loc.gov
www.loc.gov › issn › faqOct 22, 2020 · International Standard Serial Number. The abbreviation "ISSN" can denote the singular and plural forms, according to context. What is an ISSN. An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify continuing resources--publications that are ongoing without any predetermined conclusion such as journals, magazine, newspapers, updating databases and certain types of websites.