Chapter 5 Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems › ~cis515 › cis515-12-sl5Recall that iterative methods for solving a linear system Ax = b (with A invertible) consists in finding some ma-trix B and some vector c,suchthatI B is invertible, andtheuniquesolutionxeofAx = bisequaltotheunique solution eu of u = Bu+c. Then, starting from any vector u 0,computethesequence (uk)givenby uk+1 = Buk +c, k 2 N, and say that the iterative method is convergent i↵ lim k7!1 uk = u,e
Fixed Point Iteration Method › public_html › sryedidaFIXED POINT ITERATION METHOD. Fixed point: A point, say, s is called a fixed point if it satisfies the equation x = g(x). Fixed point Iteration: The transcendental equation f(x) = 0 can be converted algebraically into the form x = g(x) and then using the iterative scheme with the recursive relation x i+1 = g(x i), i = 0, 1, 2, . . .,