JAMS: Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services
https://www.jamsadr.comInternational & Cross-Border Services Arbitration Services JAMS offers efficiency, speed, and results. In order to save clients time and money, JAMS has instituted procedural options that allow the crafting of a process that is commensurate with the dispute. JAMS Arbitrators & Arbitration Services Please Welcome Our Newest Mediators & Arbitrators
About Us | JAMS Mediation, Arbitration, ADR Services
https://www.jamsadr.com/aboutArbitration Services JAMS offers efficiency, speed, and results. In order to save clients time and money, JAMS has instituted procedural options that allow the crafting of a process that is commensurate with the dispute. Discover JAMS Arbitration Advantages › Mediation Services Rigorous preparation. Creative solutions. Persistent follow-up.
JAMS: Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services
www.jamsadr.comJAMS successfully resolves business and legal disputes by providing efficient, cost-effective and impartial ways of overcoming barriers at any stage of conflict. JAMS offers customized, in-person, virtual and hybrid dispute resolution services through a combination of first class client service, the latest technology, top-notch facilities, and highly trained mediators and arbitrators.
London, UK | JAMS Mediation, Arbitration, ADR Services
https://www.jamsadr.com/londonJAMS mediators and arbitrators successfully resolve cases ranging in size, industry and complexity, typically achieving results more efficiently and cost effectively than through litigation. JAMS neutrals are skilled in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes including mediation, arbitration, special master, discovery referee, project neutral, and dispute review board work.
JAMS (organization) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAMS_(organization)JAMS, formerly known as Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. is a United States–based for-profit organization of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services, including mediation and arbitration. H. Warren Knight, a former California Superior Court judge, founded JAMS in 1979 in Santa Ana, California. A 1994 merger with Endispute of Washington, D.C. made JAMS into the largest private arbitration and mediation service in the country. It is one of the major arbitration a…