Download Gratis Jingles Musicali – Jingles free | ISI ... Gratis Jingles Musicali – Jingles free. Ed ecco una nuova pagina che speriamo sia utilissima a tutti gli operatori del settore pubblicitario e radiofonico. Tutti sappiamo che ogni spot pubblicitario deve essere accompagnato da un sottofondo musicale, ma essendo illegale l’utilizzo di musica presa dai dischi in commercio, è ...
Jingle 1/15 | Royalty Free Music 1/15. A jingle is a short melody that is used in commercials for different commercial purposes. The jingle contains one or more hooks and meanings, which explicitly promote the advertising of a product. Usually, this is accomplished through the employment of one or more advertising slogans. Jingles are a form of sound branding.
Jingle Pallete - Free music jingle player
jinglepalette.comJingle Palette application was designed to be an instant jingle player for radio broadcast studios. Program was written by H. Árkosi Róbert (nagyrobi) Supports MP3, MP2, MP1, MPA, OGG and WAV audio file formats Contact Us Like us on Strawberry Jazz Broadcast live every Wednesday night 8pm-10pm UK time.