John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Company Profile | Hoboken, NJ ... Description: John Wiley & Sons (known as Wiley, for short) publishes scientific, technical, and medical works, including more than 9 million articles from about 1,700 journals as well as 22,000 online books and hundreds of multi-volume reference works, laboratory protocols, and databases. Journal subscriptions are primarily licensed through contracts for digital …
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Company Profile | Hoboken, NJ ... › business-directory › company-profilesCompany Description: John Wiley & Sons (known as Wiley, for short) publishes scientific, technical, and medical works, including more than 9 million articles from about 1,700 journals as well as 22,000 online books and hundreds of multi-volume reference works, laboratory protocols, and databases.
John Wiley & Sons – Wikipedia Wiley & Sons ist ein US-amerikanischer Verlag vor allem für wissenschaftliche Literatur und hat die Form einer an der New Yorker Börse registrierten Aktiengesellschaft. Im Geschäftsjahr 2015/16 hatte das Unternehmen 4.900 Angestellte und machte einen Umsatz von 1,73 Milliarden Dollar. Hauptquartier ist in Hoboken (…
Homepage | Wiley over 200 years we have been helping people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. We develop digital education, learning, assessment and certification solutions to help universities, businesses and individuals move between education and employment and achieve their ambitions. Learn more about us.
John Wiley & Sons | Publishers - NHBS in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, with the Wiley-Blackwell imprint, is one of the world’s leading publishers of academic, scientific and professional books and journals. Their authors list more than 450 Nobel laureates in every Nobel Prize category. For more than 200 years, John Wiley & Sons have been helping people and organisations develop the skills and knowledge …