Her main research interests lie on the development of emerging technologies based on artificial intelligence such as robotics, sensors, computer vision, biometrics and machine learning modelling and their application in the field of agricultural, food and beverage sciences and engineering.
31.08.2021 · Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. Special Issues. ISSN: 2666-1543. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. Submit your Paper View Articles. Guide for authors. Track your paper. Check submitted paper. Track accepted paper.
The Journal of Agriculture and Food Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on research in the agricultural and food sciences. The journal welcomes full length research articles, reviews, short communications, perspectives, and commentaries from researchers in academic institutions, international research centers, and public and private research …
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Recent Articles. Influence of Agricultural Degree Programme environment on career in agribusiness among college students in Nigeria. Edamisan Stephen Ikuemonisan, Adebayo B. Abass, Shiferaw Feleke, Igbekele Ajibefun Open Access March 31, 2022. Agricultural development in the presence of foreign divestment: Policy options
22.05.2021 · Call for Papers on Special Issue: Food Safety Engineering. May 22, 2021. Food safety engineering in an emerging field under “industry 4.0” that integrates food engineering, food microbiology, food processing, sensor along with big data, machine learning and AI altogether to ensure safe food production from the farm to the table.
The journal has a special interest in the research that links agriculture and food together, and editors will prioritize to publish papers in this interdisciplinary field. Special issues covering topics in a specific subject area and conference proceedings are also considered for publication. Relevant research areas include, but are not limited to: