2020 Impact Factors - Released
www.mdpi.com › about › announcementsJun 30, 2021 · The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)! We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which: 10 journals received their first impact factor. 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019. 32 journals (38%) ranked among the top 25% of journals, in at least one ...
2020 Impact Factors - Released
https://www.mdpi.com/about/announcements/284430.06.2021 · 30 June 20212020 Impact Factors - Released. The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)! We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which: 10 journals received their first impact factor. 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019.
Journal Impact Factor
https://impactfactorforjournal.comJournal Impact Factor List 2021. Here is the latest Impact Factor List of 2021 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR). It contains over 12000 Journals. JCR was earlier published as Science Citation Index, and now it is published by Clarivate Analytics, a Web of Science Group. Impact Factor Calculations