Journal of Chemical Education - Impact Factor, Overall ... · Journal of Chemical Education is a journal published by American Chemical Society. Check Journal of Chemical Education Impact Factor, Overall Ranking, Rating, h-index, Call For Papers, Publisher, ISSN, Scientific Journal Ranking (SJR), Abbreviation, Acceptance Rate, Review Speed, Scope, Publication Fees, Submission Guidelines, other Important Details at Resurchify
Journal of Chemical Education › journal › jceda8Chemical Safety Education: Methods, Culture, and Green Chemistry. Modern chemistry programs must include the skills and techniques that enable their graduates to perform experiments safely. The articles in this special issue are broadly distributed among topics covering resources, green chemistry, safety culture, and pedagogy.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences › journalsearchScope Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCHPS) is a peer review Journal available both in online and printed format. This Journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to advance the scientific knowledge in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacognosy, Natural Product Research, Pharmaceutics, Novel Drug Delivery ...
Journal of Chemical Education - SCImago Journal Rank › journalsearchLaunched in 1924, the Journal of Chemical Education is the world’s premier chemical education journal. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. JCE typically addresses chemical content, activities, laboratory ...
Journal of Chemical Education Safety Education: Methods, Culture, and Green Chemistry. Modern chemistry programs must include the skills and techniques that enable their graduates to perform experiments safely. The articles in this special issue are broadly distributed among topics covering resources, green chemistry, safety culture, and pedagogy.
ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering - SCImago Journal Rank ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering publishes papers on Chemical Engineering, specifically but not limited to the areas of thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, transport phenomena, process control, environment, energy, biotechnology, corrosion, separation science, powder technology, materials science, and chemical engineering education.