Journal of Structural Engineering | ASCE Library of the oldest and most respected peer-reviewed periodicals in the field of structural engineering, the Journal reports on fundamental knowledge that advances the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in structural engineering. Papers discuss the art and science of structural modeling and design; develop, apply and interpret the results of novel analytical, computational …
https://ishmii.org07.12.2021 · ISHMII is a Global Organization of Civil Structural Health Monitoring Practitioners and Researchers We’re Making an Impact! The Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM) has received an impact factor of 2.133 (2020); five year impact factor is 2.67 (2020) Consider contacting an editor and get your research noticed.
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring - Academic ... › Journal-Profile › JournalThe Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM) publishes articles to advance the understanding and the application of health monitoring methods for the condition assessment and management of civil infrastructure systems. JCSHM serves as a focal point for sharing knowledge and experience in technologies impacting the discipline of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, especially in terms of condition assessments, forensic analysis, load capacity ratings and service life estimations.
JCSTE - Journal of Civil, Structural and Transportation ...
jcste.avestia.comAs of April 20, 2016, Journal of Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (JCSTE) is discontinued and renamed as International Journal of Civil Infrastructure (IJCI). 2 The Submission System is live. We are now accepting manuscripts via Avestia Manuscript Submission System (AMSS). Please visit the Submit a Manuscript page for more details!
http://www.ijscer.comI am very excited to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER) and hope that the ...
International Journals | International Journals with Impact ... › journals › international-journal-of-civilInternational Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD) is an international research journal with HIGH IMPACT FACTOR (JCC) , which publishes top-level work on Civil Engineering. It contains articles on structure engineering, geotechnics, construction engineering, engineering mechanics, and engineering materials, and a history of civil engineering, environmental engineering, hydro technical engineering, earthquakes, water ...
American Research Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering › american-research-journal-ofAmerican Research Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed, open access online journal. Civil Engineering research includes research in Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering and Transportation Engineering. Civil engineering majorly important in the public sector like national governments, and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international companies.